Why medical scientists are rich?


Asset value of five leading American scientist specializing in researching medical issues $ 2 billion. In the U.S., the scientific study of issues related to health, disease is growing.

Why medical scientists are rich?

"Genetic Engineering News" published a list of scientists who became billionaires. In the top 100 in the first position (with estimated assets of $ 5 billion), up 97 percent minimum millionaire with a doctorate in the field of biology or medicine. Richest Lindsay Rosenwald. He is the owner of Avax Technologies - an anti-cancer vaccine named Mvax.

Why medical scientists are rich?

 Robert Langer hundreds of millions of dollars from more than 400 exclusive patents.
Other billionaires are: William Haseltine was, the founder of Human Genome Sciences Center Human Science Genomo. He no personal property $ 142 million. He studied the DNA components of the genetic disease. He produced the drug effects on genes.

Standing behind William Haseltine was that Samuel Waksal. He earned money from the partnership and sell proprietary research results for the world's biggest pharmaceutical corporations like Merck, Aventis and Glaxo-SmithKline.

Currently, the application and the market of products for immediate consumption, including anti-cancer drugs and vaccines, Celer Genomics company also reached hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue each year.
The wealth of the copyright by selling scientific inventions made at universities is to arouse anxiety in governments as well as the author of Law protection Boyh-Dole.

National Health Research Institute has provided billions of dollars for the research program. But when the results of these agencies only receive a very small amount. For example, the U.S. National Institutes of Health has spent a billion dollars for the study of drugs and vaccines, but earned only $ 30 million. The profit belongs to the scientists and business firms.

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