Table assess your weight and overweight

Table assess your weight and overweight (obesity)
Table assess your weight and overweight

Scientists often use a BMI (Body Mass Index) to assess healthy weight for height:
Table assess your weight and overweight (obesity):

                         Weight (in kg)

BMI = ---------------------------------

                         Height 2 (in m)

In adults the average BMI in the range of 18.5 to 25. Under 18.5 is malnourished, 25 - 30 is overweight, and over 30 is obese.

However, BMI does not tell the area omponents in the body so do not evaluate in detail the level of risk can have in people who are overweight, and also not apply in a case such as athletes, children under 18 years of age. Nutrition experts often have to apply some other indicators to assess the level of risk in those who are overweight, and those who have weight within normal limits.

The more commonly used indices are:

* The ratio of waist and round butt (WHR - Waist Hip Ratio)

This ratio tends to be less than 0.85 in women and less than 0.95 in men. Index is greater the higher the risk of disease, especially diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease.

* Percentage of body fat

This is also an important indicator to assess the risk of disease, then there stated to be a balance between diet and mode of operation. The average fat percentage of 18 - 22% in men and 20-27% in women. When the body fat percentage in excess of 25% in men and 30% in women, the risk of disease increases, even those with normal BMI. The height and weight are the same may have different percentage of body fat, because different diet and exercise. Fat percentage will be lower than in those who exercise more (travel, active limbs, exercise.) And have a balanced diet is right for the needs of the body. In the treatment of weight loss, weight loss always comes with reducing the rate of fat, even weight loss can be considered successful if the rate of fat reduction while very little weight loss.

There are many ways to calculate the percentage of body fat: subcutaneous fat thickness measurement a dedicated drugs, or use other types of specialized weight. The second method is usually applied for simplicity, faster and high-precision

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