The risk of snoring and sleep apnea

Snoring is the sound of breathing during sleep. Phenomenon of snoring alone is usually not harmful. Besides, it should be noted that snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea syndrome. It is a condition of sleep disorders, affecting health and to the consequences later.
The risk of snoring and sleep apnea

Men tend to snore more than women. Approximately 40% of adults over age 50 snore regularly.How to TellSnorers with sleep apnea is more common in adults, accounting for approximately 5% of the population. Frequency of obstructive sleep apnea increases with age. At the age of 30 - 60, 2% of women and 4% of men have sleep apnea and 60% of older people with sleep apnea syndrome.It is important to detect sleep apnea before making a treatment for snoring. Apnea should be kept in mind when the next observed snoring is interrupted by silence, innocent AC and AC apnea lasting 10 to 30 seconds. Snoring as loud as likely to suffer from sleep apnea.If you frequent snoring, you feel tired in the morning. Also if you are prone to weight gain, when you have to wake up several times because of nighttime urination, high blood pressure, decreased sexual ability. You should seek medical advice on this disease.In children, too, if the snoring phenomenon becomes continuous, extended also need to see a doctor.Those prone to snoring and sleep apneaThe screen almost thick, long reed, tonsils-surround VA too (more common in children), deviated nasal septum, mandibular less developed (in folk called LEM chin) prone to snoring . Pregnant women, especially the last three months are also prone to snoring due to increased weight. In addition, older people (over 60 years) is also easy to snoring and sleep apnea by reducing muscle tone.The risk factors for snoring and sleep apneaThe most common factor is weight gain, obesity, apnea syndrome in obese 12-30 times higher than non-obese people. Also the use of drugs, alcohol at night sleep snoring

There are many different treatments:

Mode of living, eating and drinking:Treatment includes exercise, reasonable diet to reduce weight, avoid the factors that facilitate snoring stop smoking, not drinking alcohol in the evening without the sedative. Snoring usually occur when sleeping in a supine position, so lying on your side, can support this position with a pillow long screws in the back, maybe even prone.Treatment of nasal congestion with nasal decongestant.Treatment of allergies by removing elements allergens, especially house dust allergens such as house cleaning, not to be moldy, use of antihistamines antihistamine.Wear plastic sleep functions, this function is measured by the provision that each person, pull the lower jaw and tongue forward a few millimeters, but annoying and uncomfortable.CPAP breathing: only used in cases of severe apnea, the risk of sudden death due to apnea. Continuous positive airway pressure breathing mask, helps prevent soft tissue collapse into the breathing tube to maintain airway. This method was successfully evaluated from 90-95%, the disadvantages of this method is to wear a mask all night and is dependent on the operation of the ventilator.Surgical treatment:Classic surgical: Orthopedic Surgery monitor almost-reed-throat (UVPP). This surgical removal of extensive reed, most screen, including the tonsils, causing the throat width. However the classical surgery is now rarely used by causing more pain after surgery, can cause cleft screen almost making patients eat choke up the nose, throat feeling disorder lasts ... Today mainly use plastic surgery reed screen most-improved-throat, only minimal intervention on the screen almost, surgery is less painful and less sequelae.

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