The development of human height is a highly complex process that involves several genetic, foods, exercises...People reach the maximum height they can attain by the time they are during puberty. However, there have been many cases where people have continued growing even after puberty. Yoga can also help you grow taller after puberty.

You can perform several yoga asanas for grow taller. Here are some of the typical yoga postures for grow taller after puberty:
Cat and dog (5 times)

Stretches your cartilage disks
“On all fours, inhale, curving your spine and lifting your chest without dropping your belly. Hold, then exhale as you curl your tailbone under.” Do it again
Sukhasana ( 5 times) - Grow taller exercise
This is a simple beginner’s pose in which you sit on a hard surface, with your legs crossed. Each of foot should be resting snugly below the opposite knee. Widen your shins to get into the pose more comfortably. Let the outer edges of your feet rest comfortably on the floor. Lengthen your spine so that you are sitting straight. Keep the pelvis in a neutral position and either stack hands in lap, or place them on knees. Take in deep breaths and exhale.
Mountain pose (10 times) - Grow taller exercise

Feet just inside shoulder width, tailbone tucked toward your heels, belly button sucked in. Move your shoulder blades back and down. Stretch your head up toward the ceiling. Hold for one minute.
Cobra pose ( 10 times) - Grow taller exercise

Strengthens lower back, elongates spine- Grow taller exercise
“Stretch out, pressing your legs and pelvis into the floor. Place your hands next to your shoulders. Inhaling, raise your belly and chest off the floor. On exhale, return to your base position.” Do it again
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