The exercise to grow taller during puberty - Volleyball ( Step 3)

 How To Grow Taller For Volleyball. When you play volleyball, Growing hormones are located on the area of your hand wrists and your knees. So when play this sport you naturally move your hand wrists and knees which will activate hormones more.
The exercise to grow taller during puberty - Volleyball ( Step 3)

The skills for playing volleyball are gets the ball over, serving, passing, setting, attacking, blocking and digging.

 1. An basic server gets the ball over the net to start the point. More experienced players can toss the ball in front of you. Make a fist and raise your dominant hand. After you need bend elbow.Straighten your elbow and strike the ball with the outside of your fist.
The exercise to grow taller during puberty - Volleyball ( Step 3)

2. Passing the ball is the skill that performed by the player receiving the ball.
You need make a fist with left hand. Next, you need wrap right hand around left fist. Your arms need be straight out in front of you at a slightly downward angle, and your elbows should be locked. Then, move so that the ball is directly in front of you. Finally, you use a shrugging motion to propel the ball upward and angle in the direction that you want the ball to go.

The exercise to grow taller during puberty - Volleyball ( Step 3)

3. Setting ball is the action of playing the ball to a teammate.  Players  volleyball that have a hard time getting in good position to hand set may elect to set using a forearm passing motion. Player hold hands in the air and curve them into a bowl shape. Player hit the ball with his fingertips when the ball reaches eye level. Players push upward with his legs as strike the ball. This is also called bump setting.

The exercise to grow taller during puberty - Volleyball ( Step 3)

4. Attacking is the action of sending the ball over the net to the opponent's court. Attack players are usually done by taking steps to approach the net to jump and hit the ball.There are skills of attack in the volleyball:
Approach the ball and lift of player dominant hand. Player's hand should be curved into the shape of the ball.
Next, Player jump up and strike the ball with palm. Reach as high as player can for maximum power. Jump can make you grow taller. Special if you are during puberty, play volleyball everyday, your height can increase 3-8 inches.

5. A block is the action of trying to prevent the ball from crossing the net into your court. One or two players of team jump and block ball.

The exercise to grow taller during puberty - Volleyball ( Step 3)

6. Digging is the action of playing the ball in a way that prevents the ball from touching the court after an attack by the opponents. If player can't block. Every players of team need join dig ball.

Play volleyball can make you grow taller, build muscle. Play volleyball everyday, your height will growth

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